Why vaping cannabis makes perfect sense is a simple question of efficiency. This post from LIWTS revisits the most important vaping facts and myths. It’s the kind of debate that’s unlike to go anywhere in the near future and one that prompts pretty heated views on both sides of the fence. Some love it, some hate it and then there are those that are too darn stubborn (sorry!) ... Continue Reading
Why More People Are Turning to Vaping
People are vaping cannabis because they think it makes them less likely to get caught: no smoke and very little smell! This post from Manchester Evening News highlights how popular vaping is likely to get. The dank and distinctive smell of cannabis often drifts down the streets and through the parks of Manchester. But experts say new technology is making the practice of ... Continue Reading
6 Smoke-Free Ways of Cannabis Consumption
If the idea of smoking is deterring you from cannabis consumption, there are many smoke-free alternatives. This post from Leafly shares 6 ways to enjoy cannabis without having to smoke it. Think back to the first time you smoked cannabis. You probably recall the burning throat, the uncoordinated attempts to use a carb, the inability to gauge how long to pull the smoke… Ah ... Continue Reading
What Cannabinoids and Terpenes Do for You
The medical benefits of cannabis are ascribed to the cannabinoids and terpenes in it. This post from The Chill Bud explores what popular cannabinoids and terpenes do for you. Cannabis offers a host of medical benefits, with more therapeutic uses being discovered every year. But did you ever wonder what is responsible for these effects? Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the is ... Continue Reading
Is Being Allergic to Marijuana Even a Possibility?
Springtime isn't the only thing turning people into itchy, watery, red-eyed monsters. Being allergic to marijuana can do the same. This post from VICE.com highlights what science has to say about weed allergies. More people are getting stoned without fear of consequence now in the United States than ever before. Prohibition is being rolled back, and people are celebrating by ... Continue Reading